
Celeste Rowe is lucky.

At least, that’s what everyone thinks. Rich, beautiful, and smart, she has it all.

She knows one thing though: the heart is a treacherous thing.

It wants what it wants. You can try to fight it. Ignore it. But in the end, it’ll ruin you.

Zane Washington is doomed.

At least, that’s what it feels like. Poor, cynical, and desperate, he’s carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.

He knows one thing though: the heart is a treacherous thing.

It wants what it wants. You can try and resist it. Avoid it. But in the end, it will break you.

On paper, they couldn’t be more different. But Celeste and Zane are about to discover that, sometimes, the very thing you shouldn’t want, is the only thing you need.

And maybe it’s time for love to defy the odds.

My 4* Review:

These Defiant Souls is book three in the Darling Hill series by L.A. Cotton. This time we have Zane Washington, the quiet, broody one of the three boys and Celeste Rowe. Their love story is full of angst as they are both struggling with issues at home. They are from two different worlds but could she be the right girl for him? 

Zane wasn’t a guy who talked about his feelings or emotions, he hid things and kept what he was thinking to himself. He’s cross that he is drawn to Celeste as she represents everything he hates. She had worked her way under his skin which annoyed him, so he told Kye and Nix she’d be the last girl he’d ever get with. 

Zane knew what his future held and it wasn’t going away to college. He had responsibilities at home looking after Grams and there was no escape from The Row for him. He couldn’t leave his Grams after all she’d done for him growing up. Grams was such a great character and nothing passed her by. It was so funny how she’d call him by his full name all the time – Zane Thackeray. She knew her grandson extremely well and could see his dilemmas over Celeste. 

Over in Old Darling Hill, Celeste is fed up with all the expectations her parents have put on her. She hated that Zane and the others, assumed they knew her and what her life was like because they really didn’t. She was beginning to wonder where she belonged because neither side of the reservoir was feeling like home. It was sad how Harleigh was pulling away from her sister and I felt so sorry for Celeste and how lonely she was feeling. She had never judged Harleigh or anyone from The Row but accepted them all for who they were so why couldn’t they do the same for her. 

Poor Celeste has to put up with so much while Zane fights his inner demons over her. He hates that he wants her and is cruel and unkind to her at times but he is resigned to the fact guys like him never get the girl because she would never risk everything by choosing him. I liked the couple of lightbulb moments when he realised that maybe Celeste’s life wasn’t so perfect after all. I was so pleased when she fought for what she wanted and made herself happy for a change. 

The friendship these three boys have stood out again and how they are a true family, looking out for one another. Fingers crossed we get Nate and Chloe’s story next as the tension between those two is palpable. Does he like her as much as she likes him and how will Kye react if they get together. I do hope L.A.Cotton finds someone for him too !! 

This was a really good enemies to lovers story with the bad boy from the wrong side of town and the clever rich girl. Some emotional turmoil as they work through all their difficulties but when happiness wins over money, two caring hearts can join together.