
She was to be my wife.

I was to be her husband.

Fate had other plans.

She was falling for someone else while I was waiting for her.

When you come from one of the most ruthless families in the country, you’re used to getting what you want.

Part of me wanted her, the other…

Well, let’s just say, sometimes love can be reckless.

My 5* Review:

This is the first of a duet featuring Joey Rossi and Adora and is the next in the Chained Hearts Duets by T.L. Smith. This is an arranged marriage, love triangle, enemies to lovers, mafia romance.

We originally met Joey in the Keir and Sailor Duet where he was a complicated character but very loyal to his older brother. He is broody and demanding but loves being second in command to Kier. Everyone calls him the nice but deadly brother.

In Lucas and Chanel’s Duet we met Adora when he helped her buy her bookshop. She has escaped her previous life and has been living under the radar of the mafia families. She is haunted by what happened to her and what she had to do to leave it all behind. Now her luck has run out.

The couple first meet under rather unexpected circumstances and Joey is confused at the first impression he has of her. Events take a dramatic turn for both of them when an old deal between their families for an arranged marriage emerges and Keir demands it is fulfilled. They are both shocked and determined it will not go ahead. Joey is cross he has no choice in the matter and Adora has just met a new partner who is kind and sweet, unlike him. Neither of them wants the other but they are left with no option but to find a way to make it work because there are unpleasant consequences if they don’t marry.

Adora finally succumbs and decides to give the marriage a go but things don’t go as planned. They are both antagonistic, they goad and constantly threaten to kill each other so their banter is quite funny.


I give him my best eye roll and stick my finger in his face.

“I’m going to ‘darling’ you six feet under the fucking ground. How about that, darling?” 

They hate the attraction building between them and it all comes to a head when they are sent on honeymoon.When they start to want each other it confuses and annoys them, especially when they find they can’t resist the chemistry any longer. He is falling for her even though she drives him mad and she is realising there is more to him than she thought.

“Sometimes the rockiest of starts can lead to the best outcomes!”

They are actually a perfect match for each other. She stands up to him and puts him in his place while he provides her with things she’s never had before. She has been manipulated and controlled her whole life that it’s a change for her when Joey becomes protective and possessive. I was really surprised with his more traditional views and how caring he became towards her. I felt sorry for them both and the situation they were forced into but pleased they were managing to find something good to come out of it.

Life has always been hard for Adora and it doesn’t get any better when a series of events lead up to the shocking cliffhanger. How many more secrets is she hiding and how will Joey react to the surprising revelations. Will the loyalty to his family be tested by what has happened with his wife. I am interested to see who survives in Arranged Hearts, as the conclusion to this duet is bound to be explosive and deadly.