
There’s a new mechanic in town.
Dom Salvatore. 

Tall, serious, intense. A loner.
Exactly what he wants to be.
Until he meets her.
Cherry Gallagher. 
Independent. Stubborn. Sexy as hell.
And not interested.
Or is she?
What happens when two lonely people open up and discover there is more to life than being alone?
When the sparks they feel become an inferno they can’t control?
When they discover the best part of each other is what they were missing?
Can they handle the full throttle of love?

Author’s Note: Join this found family in the final story set in the small town of Littleburn, Ontario, Canada. Where this group of blue-collar heroes learn to love fiercely the strong women in their lives.

My 5* Review:

Full Throttle by Melanie Moreland is book five and the last in the Reynolds Restoration series. What a wonderful and delightful way to end to this series. It is a fun rom-com about love later in life for Dom Salvatore and Cherry Gallagher. We were teased by the author at the end of Under The Radar about this couple and she didn’t disappoint. 

“Once you were in my heart, Cherry, it was full throttle. I know what I want, so why wait,”

Dom recently joined this great group and enjoys working with them. He has become very close to Chase and loves the sense of family at the garage. Underneath the tattoos and the bad boy persona is a thoughtful, helpful and loyal guy. He doesn’t do relationships due to his past and is carrying a secret. One weekend Chase and his new housemate Hannah need some help painting. Dom offers and his life changes forever the moment he walks into Chase’s house. It’s definitely a case of he falls first and may even be love at first sight – well for Dom as Cherry isn’t convinced! 

Cherry is Hannah’s mum. After her husband died it took her some time to start dating again and unfortunately it didn’t go well so she is reluctant to try again. She is currently a hairdresser and living above the salon in Toronto. She misses Hannah but is glad she is safer working in Littleburn.

She is very independent and is determined to resist Dom’s charms but he doesn’t make it easy with his naughty comments. He doesn’t give up and is relentless in his pursuit of her.

It was so refreshing reading a romance about a more mature couple. Both in their forties, they have different issues to the youngsters, which made their journey so interesting. The trust between them builds and the way they each revealed their past was emotional. I loved how understanding and supportive they are towards each other. Their chemistry is undeniable and their witty conversations will captivate you very quickly. 

Dom absolutely cracked me up with his banter, teasing and dirty thoughts. It was hilarious how he lived up to his name. His caring ways were fantastic and the twist really showed what a wonderful man Dom is. There is a brilliant appearance from a Vested Interest character that will please many readers. As usual Melanie leaves us with an excellent epilogue.  This found family has been building since Max and Charly, and everyone makes an appearance as the author wraps up their stories and the series. This couple were such a pleasure to read about and I really enjoyed their story even though it meant an end to this exceptional series.